The ultrasound examination of the womb and the ovaries is nowadays an integral part of the gynecological examination.

The visualization of the internal female organs can reveal conditions as yet unsuspected (such as fibroids) or provide an explanation for existing symptoms (such a bleeding). On the other hand, if there are no findings one can be reassured as to the absence of serious problems from the womb and the ovaries.

The examination is simple and painless. The transvaginal approach is usually preferred but, depending on the circumstances, one may need to use the transabdominal route  or combine both transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound.

Blood flow studies (Doppler studies) of the uterine and ovarian vessels may aid in the diagnosis in cases of a finding in the womb or the ovaries and can be particularly helpful in distinguishing between benign and malignant lesions.

The 3-dimensional ultrasound (3-D ultrasound) is commonly used to see the shape of the womb if a congenital anomaly of the womb is suspected (such as a bi-cornuate uterus) or to see the inside of the womb (the cavity of the womb) if a fibroid or a polyp is suspected.